Sunday, May 25, 2008

I'm so happy today.
I balanced my account today! No deficit nor surplus plus i close my account very fast hahaha ^^.
Then went in to join the prayer meeting. The presence of God was really sooo tangible that i cried and many people have holy laughter. hahas. Love Jesus! He took my pain away, healed me (: . Nothing can be compared with You for you reign over every living things !

After prayer meeting, went to hall 7 there cause got ROBINSONS SALE! Its her 150th aniversary! =) Actually im supposed to be there to work but can't work cause got school and exams are coming =/. I miss working in robinsons !! =( All the girls in N256 loves to shop =D .
Bought jacket ! And i realised i have lots of jacket =.=. Must try to control form buying many many things le. Got to save money !! hahas.

After that practised a little bit of guitar. Wei Liang taught me I Will Bless The Lord ! =)

Today my family went to Thai resturant to eat cause its my Sister's birthday!! Its located at WhiteSand (x. The food was really really yummy !! Enjoyed dinner with my family together!~

My mummy & daddy =) .

My sister & brother =).

Me and daddy (:.

Me & mummy =)!

Chocolate cake! Very rich chocolate taste =) .

Happy birthday Fiona! ~

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